Saturday, June 12, 2010

Family time, suitcase time--which gets more time?

I'm back in the Valley, with my family. :) It's been good so far--great food, great conversation, great sharing of movies, YouTube music videos, and cuddle time with the dog. You'd think I'd be packing for the trip. Not yet. I'm UNpacking all that I accumulated in my college dorm and had to bring home. Amazing how much "stuff" I decide I must have with me at college. But I'm limiting myself to only one suitcase for Moscow, which should teach me to live on a lot less. Hopefully.

How do we decide what's necessary in our lives? Within the category of "having," how do we distinguish between nice/convenient/significant/essential?

One week from now, I should be in Moscow. Wow.

1 comment:

  1. That sure makes ya think - concerning what a person really needs to "have." Enjoy your family and time at home most of all - you can throw your clothes in the suitcase at the last minute! I pray you have a safe trip, and an AWESOME time in Moscow. Looking forward to reading your blog!
