Monday, June 7, 2010

End of an American School Year

This will be my next-to-last night in Taylor Tower. It's been a good two years, and I've made some good friends in this oversized brick structure. But, as Seth said at the last SCF meet, we're moving forward. It's funny, because I've wanted this kind of movement forward since I was a little girl in rural Kansas, yet now I'm hesitating a little. The last few years have been so good, and it's tempting to just stay here where I feel safe and content. But I've carried this dream of travelling overseas my whole life, and so I have to go. I have to know what it's like.

The facts: I'm leaving on June 18, 2010 for Moscow, Russia. I'm going with a group from my university, and we're staying at a Russian university and taking language/culture classes. I'll be there for eight weeks. I've never left American soil before, so this will be totally new.

The blog: No promises. I want to relate what's happening and what I'm learning, but I don't know how computer access will be or how much I'll be able to tell in English what's happening in Russian. I'll do my best, so keep checking (if you're actually reading this and are intrigued enough to keep reading this.)

The blog title: This experience will be totally new, and I'm realizing that I that loves to plan can't really predict anything. I know the language, but as I realized during the language assessment I did today, during "real" conversation I won't remember every piece of useful vocabulary or every grammar point that I've learned. My usual points of reference won't always be there. There will be situations where I have to "wing it."
(There's also a pun involved in the name, since I wanted it to be easy for those who know me.)

Anyway, that's the scoop for now. I have finals to get through, and then--moving forward.

What are you doing this summer?

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