Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Almost there...

Packing's pretty much done, with the final suitcase weighing about 45 pounds. Now I just have to organize my affairs at home (i.e. leaving my room in a state of relative neatness) and enjoy the last day at home (we're going to C-bus the night before I fly out from there).

If you're willing, I probably will need all the prayer I can get during this adventure. Here are some specifics.

  • That I would be able to overcome my visual impairment, and communicate my needs to other people
  • That I might find other Christ-followers among my fellow OSU students or the people I meet in Moscow
  • That I will be confident in speaking Russian (I tend to get rather nervous when trying to use the language)
  • That I'll stay physically, emotionally, and financially well and safe
  • That I'll gain a sense of direction for the future
  • That I will reflect the love of Christ to those around me

Winging out,


1 comment:

  1. Christine, I'll sure be keeping you in prayer! God bless you in this amazing opportunity. I hope each day will have all kinds of interesting, neat things for you! Have a safe trip. :)
