Saturday, August 7, 2010

Unexpected Turn of Events

I'm in St. Petersburg.

The heat and smog got so bad in Moscow (it was like being by a campfire all the time), that our group leaders decided to move us out of the city and go to St. Petersburg. We took a night train Friday night/Saturday morning, and arrived at 2:30 on Saturday. It took about 12 hours. We're staying at a hostel, and I think we're taking a bus tour of the city today. The train and the hostel are interesting experiences--a lesson in communal living. I'm realizing how much I value personal space, but I'm hoping I can develop the patience to adapt to the situation. St. Petersburg is a lovely city with a lot of history. We will probably visit the Hermitage, which people say is as good as the Louvre, and also other sites and possibly an imperial palace (I hope).

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are out of the smoke, Christine. Have a great week with the opportunities before you!
